Services provided virtually to those located in the United States & Canada and in person in Decorah, Iowa.
Do you feel like you struggle to keep up with all the tasks of daily life? Are always forgetting or losing things? Try so hard to put structure into your life but can’t follow through? Always feel overstimulated? Tired of putting things off to the last minute?
Are you a parent who feels like your child just won’t listen? You are worn out from the constant arguments? Always searching for lost items? Find yourself yelling and then feeling guilty? Really want to support your child but just don’t know what to do?
Are you a professional wanting to help your ADHD clients but were never given enough training to know the best strategies to use?
Hi, I’m Bobbi-Jo!
I help individuals, families, and professionals take a deep dive into learning all about ADHD (far beyond the basics). We identify specific challenges and dig deep into what’s getting in the way of doing the things you want to do, then find creative, personalized strategies to reduce barriers.
I’m an ADHDer, parent of ADHD children, social worker, and ADHD coach. I know first hand the challenges of living life in a world that wasn’t built for ADHD brains. Over the last several years I’ve hyperfocused on learning everything I can about how ADHD brains work and strategies to manage the challenges that come along with living life with ADHD. I view ADHD through a neurodiversity-affirming lens, which means I see ADHD as a normal variation in human minds. ADHD brains are not bad or wrong or faulty; I believe that many societal expectations were built only for neurotypical brains. We can learn ways to create self-accommodations for areas of challenge so that we can move out of patterns of just getting through each day to being able to live our lives with intention.
The Inspiration For Our Name -
“Embrace the Muchness”
ADHDers are frequently told that they are “too much”. They hear they “talk too much”, are “too loud”, “too emotional”, “too messy”, their “brains move “too fast”, they’re “too distracted”, “too forgetful,” etc. These messages may be direct or indirect and can even from the people who care about the ADHDer most. Over time the consistent negative feedback for simply being ourselves combined with the experience of living in a world that wasn’t built for ADHD brains can lead us to lose our muchness, as described by the Mad Hatter character in the 2010 film, Alice in Wonderland. Merriam-Webster defines “muchness” as the quality of being great in quantity, extent or degree. The “muchness” that comes along with having an ADHD brain is what brings some of our greatest strengths: fun, creative, spontaneous, intelligent, driven, and out of the box thinkers.
I help individuals, families, and professionals learn to “embrace the muchness” of ADHD and live affirming and fulfilling lives. I help clients take a deep dive into learning about the ADHD experience, identify their strengths, and find personalized strategies to manage their challenge areas.
What is ADHD Coaching?
ADHD Coaching is a goal-oriented, collaborative process that helps ADHDers/their families develop individualized strategies to manage any challenge areas. Bobbi-Jo will help you optimize your strengths and work with your brain’s natural tendencies. Coaching involves goal setting, problem solving, accountability and education. Formal diagnosis is not needed to participate in ADHD coaching. Anyone who struggles with executive functioning (organization, prioritizing, task initiation, time management, emotional regulation, etc.) can find this process valuable.
ADHD coaching is NOT psychotherapy. Not all therapists have training in ADHD and how to manage it. Therapy differs from coaching in that therapists are able to provide clinical assessment, process trauma, and treat any co-occurring issues such as anxiety and depression. Some individuals choose to participate in both therapy and ADHD coaching concurrently, with coaching focusing on practical, specific strategies to address daily living tasks. As an ADHD coach, I can sit with you while you do that thing you’ve been putting off for 6 months (and will only take 15 minutes). With lived experience as an ADHDer and parent of ADHD children and years of training, education and experience, I understand how ADHD brains work and can help you develop workarounds and supports to live the life you want!
Individual Coaching
Private, one on one, coaching for adults. We will set concrete goals, identify strengths and areas of challenge and create personalized strategies.
Parent Coaching
Individual, customized support for parents of ADHD children. We will fill any knowledge gaps, explore your strengths and areas of challenge and identify specific goals for changes to make in your parenting to promote a connected relationship with your child/ren that also supports their independence.
Group Coaching Program for Therapists
Join other ADHDer therapists for coaching in a group setting. Gain strategies to manage your own ADHD while also connecting with others who “get it.”
Professional Consultation
Individual consultation for mental health professionals to build their skills in working with ADHDers or individual case consultation.
Professional Training
Training programs for mental health professionals to gain a deep understanding of ADHD and how to best support ADHD clients from a neurodiversity-affirming approach.
Educational Resources
A pre-built rabbit hole of educational resources about all things ADHD. This list can help individuals with ADHD, partners of ADHDers, caregivers of ADHD children, or professionals begin their journey to understand how ADHD brains work, and affirming approaches to support ADHDers.
Ready to start learning about ADHD right now?
Join our free Facebook Group Embracing the Muchness to begin learning today. It’s a space for anyone wanting ot learn more about ADHD to ask questions and share information.
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